I realized that I forgot to post about a pot roast I made a while back so I thought I'd share that today (esp since I still have yet to charge my camera :cool: its plugged now, i swear).
I wasn't sure how this meal would go, but helloboyfriend ended up liking it alot (previously, he had told me he didn't like pot roast, but then said he's never had it made the right way). But of course he would like it-- hello,
meat and potatoes boy! Growing up, I only recall having pot roast ONCE... at a family friend's house (we never had it in my household since it is a pretty traditional American family meal). So I searched high and low for a good recipe and found one that hit the spot.
Pot Roast
4 lbs chuck roast (trim off fat)
12 baby red potatoes, larger ones cut in half
1 bag (16 oz) baby carrots
4 stalks of celery – cut into long pieces, leaves too
1 container of mushrooms
10-12 shallots, peeled (I used pearl onions instead)
1 packet onion soup mix
2 cans of cream of mushroom soup
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp garlic salt
1 cup of beef broth
Salt and pepper
1. Put shallots and potatoes at bottom of crock pot
2. Divide carrots and celery, place half on top of shallots and potatoes
3. Place chuck roast on top
4. Sprinkle with thyme, salt and pepper and garlic salt
5. Place remaining celery and carrots on top of roast
6. Mix together beef broth and cream of mushroom soup, pour mixture on top
7. Cook on low for 6 hours, high for 3-4
8. Last half hour, add mushrooms, mix around veggies
Pull out veggies and pot roast, set aside. Use juices to make a gravy. Serve!
mmm the veggies were the best part
I ended up actually making a mistake and put the mixture over the first layer of veggies but the pot roast still turned out tasty! Next time, I'll know what to do :)
Crockpot cooking makes life so much easier-- I love being able to prep everything the night before and asking hbf to turn on the crock pot while I'm away at work. Plus, I have discovered the best thing to happen to crock pot since... idk... beef stew! Wanna know my lil discovery? Doya? Okay here it is:
Slow Cooker Liners.Best thing since sliced bread.
Okay, maybe not but it sure does make cleanup (& life) simpler!
I love that spring is coming, but a little sad soup season will be over. Who am I kidding-- soup in the summer!! and spring of course. Spring is my favorite.