I make chili at least twice a month. maybe more often. even in the summer :D Hey, that's what crockpots are for amirite?! Plus, we've been on a huge spice kick so we stack our chili with jalepenos, habeneros, serranos... any pepper that ends in -o. It's easy to make, always delicious and we always have leftovers.
Since boyfriend is not big on leftovers, I'm usually stuck eating chili for the next few day
s. Until I found this recipie! It was perfect because it brought three things together that hbf loves: chili, tots and cheese! And the five steps make it quick and simple.
Tater Tot Chili Bake
2-3 cups leftover chili
bag of tater tots
2 cups cheddar cheese
Oven at 350 degrees
1. Grease a casserole or baking dish
2. Pour and spread leftover chili
3. Top with frozen tater tots in rows
4. Sprinkle cheese on top
5. Cover and bake for 25 mins, uncover and bake for another 10 mins
Next time you make some chili, definitely make some extra so you can try this out. I'm sure you won't have leftovers :) It's delish!
Anywhoo... can you believe it's already August!
I still have items on my bucket list to check off! One of those items was to make
homemade coffee liquor and I'm happy to say that boyfriend and I have successfully done it! Now, if only we were patient enough to actually wait a month before drinking it. It's already half gone :( good thing we made two bottles (one for now... one for later :cool:)