March 18, 2013

weekend snaps

1. Last minute sushi happy hour with my friends Tate and Anna filled with lots of chit chat. We went to a place that was new to me and sat at some tables that were low to the ground, but we were not sitting seiza style.

2. On Friday, Joe and I went to the Twin Cities Auto Show and looked at all the pretty cars. It's been on my mind that I may need to get a new car soon so it was perfect to scope out a bunch of cars at the same time and really nail down what I'm looking for in a car (all wheel drive, preferably a small SUV, trunk space).  I really don't ever want to say goodbye to my baby Rav4 since I've had it for almost five years now and is filled with so many memories of late night taco runs, multiple trips to iowa and back, summer drives with the windows down and the music loud, and lots of laughter with my girlfriends in the back seat.

3. We celebrated St. Paddy's Eve with an early start and a full day ahead. I accidentally left my phone at the house when we hurried off to the Minneapolis parade so I was phone-less for almost 5 hours (but really I had Joe's phone the whole time). We didn't get any green beer but I did have my fair share in Guinness + hard cider, irish whiskey and green shots of any kind!

4. Even though it was the actual day of St. Patrick's, Sunday was spent in a lazy way -- late brunch with friends, grocery shopping and laying around the house. I picked up some coconut oil after getting some advice here, here and here. My hair and scalp have been feeling a bit dry from these long winter days so I'm hopeful that coconut oil will be a great natural way to get my hair back in health.

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